Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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I miss this thread.

I've successfully killed my chances at going anywhere I really wanted to, so. . . . .prolly be at UW. >.<"
How've you killed your chances? You've still got a reasonably high GPA and things, don't you love? Plus, you're beyond brilliant.
Not really. . . . x.x
Wasn't it 3.8? 3.9? Somewhere around there? It's certainly not horrid, by any means.
It's not good, and 'tis dropping.

3.8 barely.
How is it dropping? You're on holidays love. It is remaining consistent.
XDD Well, like, comparatively by semester.
You got a very GPA last semester, though, didn't you? Much better than first semester...
3.5 and a 3.6 or 3.7 Both rather bad.
That is... different to what I remember you telling me when you got the GPA at the end of semester.

Honestly though, love, it's still not bad.

Love, come on, you're being ridiculous. Your GPA is great for being completely unweighted. You have a reasonable chance at going wherever you want. Also, you talk about UW as if it's a community college. It's a decent school, especially taking into account where your boyfriend other people are planning to go.
No archaeology programme. . . .


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