Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Hello everyone.

I've come to you with a big favor in mind.  Well, not that big...

But anyways.  The non-profit group-prevention group I am involved with submitted themselves into the Pepsi Refresh Project, and we are in the running for a $50,000 grant that will benefit the entire community.
This money will be used for not only drug-prevention training and activism, but also to benefit our local Teen Center (which includes building an outdoor bandshell to help promote our teen musicians).  Additional plans for use of the grant can be found at the provided link.

Why am I asking you this?  Because it's up to you and the rest of the internet to decide which organizations receive this funding.

There are 200 submissions in every financial category, and my group is currently *checks* 109th.  But the voting also only started three days ago....
The top ten submissions in each monetary category ($5,000; $10,000; $25,000; $50,000; $250,000).

How can you vote?  You can sign in with FB, or with any email address.  You can only vote on an idea once per day, but you have ten votes total each day (so that you can vote on other ideas).

I'm just asking, if it's not too much trouble for any of you, if you could pull out a few of your alt emails and maybe put a couple of votes in.  You are allowed to vote everyday for the rest of the month, if you really want to make me happy...
ALSO-  Um, you can use your other ten votes if you want to, but voting for other people in the $50,000 category won't really help us...

This grant would be a really big deal for our city, as we actually have productive uses for this grant money.  Our city council likes to spend all of our tax dollars on frivolous things, so it is extremely difficult for a group like Youth-to-Youth (..and the "Dover Coalition for Youth") for receive even adequate funding.

And comeon!  It's for a good cause!  Some of the submissions are for people who want the grant money to be able to design a commercial product for sale, which I think is unfair.  These generous grants are targeted towards non-profits.
Or there's the group that is /one/ place behind us, because they want 50K to create a city-wide "SuperHero Day"...

Sorry I'm being so wordy.  I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.  We need help, and I love you all to bits!


EDIT-  I'm having fun trying to find ridiculous submission that are /ahead/ of us.
#103:  "Refresh a successful 1:1 computer program in our middle school!"
#99:  "Refresh my town's culture and economy through Video Games!"

EDIT2-  To be fair, most of the submissions are great ideas for a community, but there are a few irksome ones...

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Just so you know, I skimmed over the "this is why you should vote for us" thing. 'Cause it doesn't matter. My reasoning is "make Ranting happy." XD



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