Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

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Birthday Thread (not just for Anti's this time.)

So, since Zero received that one-week ban, this thread is no longer on MX and it wasn't ever here I don't think. So here it is. Simple question, when is your birthday? I'll check to see if Zero had the original list later today.


January ?- Supersour,

February 5th- Ni

February 13th- odyssey2341,
March 1st- Tally,
March 7th- Random Girl A.K.A. Nobody,
March 30th- Avengedsevenfold333

April 6th- Fate,
April 7th- o0_flying high_0o,
May 1st- Lamp Post,
May 27th- Falcon Shadow,
July 8th- Pyro H2O
July 26th- Megan (Fishy),
July 28th- nathan_p,
August 1st- Kayte,
August 6th- Patrick,
August 22nd- Pollyo
August 31st- Omega,
Semptember 20th- Ryan psh!

October 20th- Captain 'EgWa' Terror, EndOfTheEarth,

October 29th- RantingSidekick,

October 30th- Xuut,
November 10th- Pyro,
November 27th- MusicInTheWind

Feel free to wish people happy birthday when theirs comes up. ^^

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Happy belated birthday. :D
Halloween's eve. (Although it doesn't work if you refer to Halloween as Hallow's eve.)

October 30th.
(October 29th. Begger's Night Eve.)
Really? That's my Dad's birthday...

Oh shit. I'm born on Begger's Night...
That's exciting. My town trick-or-treats on Beggar's Night.
It's a lovely night. -Will wiki it-

Not on Halloween?
We're silly like that.
22nd August
March 7.
...And, that's classified. :D
Of course it is.


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