Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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*resurrection of thread*

Junior year. aaah. Already. I can hardly believe it. I'm starting to take looking for a school a tad more seriously now...


And my two top choices (having been told that under no circumstances am I going as an undergrad out of the country) are now Northeastern and Columbia. Damn expensive, though, both of them.

I want to go to Willamette. . . . and yeah, the price is looking like such an issue.  x.x


It's so perfect, though. . . 

*resurrection of thread*

I haz debt of $10,844 for the first almost-3 years, and I still has 3 more to go for my full qualification. =[


Makes me sad to think of it. Most unis are about the same price, Griffith says they're pretty tops, but meh.

Is that a lot for 3yrs worth of Uni there?

I will probably be in debt until I die :C


Unless I axe-murder an old lady and take her money...

Doooo it.


I don't really know. After the first semester I stopped keeping track, however, it's probably somewhat cheaper, 'cause most of my classes are the science/math discount rate. Priority subjects, etc.

6 year degree? What are you doing?


My student debt will be about $36,000 NZD total when I finish this year. I can pay back about half with my savings at the moment, and if I pay back lump sum I can get the debt down to ~32,400 ish.


Anyway - Hi Z, how are ya?

>.> *ancient zombie resurrection using a very expensive pay-by-the-hour necromancer*


It's technically 2 degrees. I'm doing fourth year Honours for my Bachelor of Psychology, then I have to do the 2 years minimum postgrad Masters degree to be a registered psychologist, however, at this stage I am likely to instead do the 4 year doctorate.


I'm doing all right, long time no see. How's life been treating you?

[I broke up with Bec-my-ex, moved into a share house, started my thesis, am doing a really fun martial arts to help my scoliosis-issues and have just overall been chilling. Used my holidays to do the first two on that list and holidayed to Adelaide for 9 days, Fiji for 4 days, Melbourne for 8 days: 1 holiday per month.]

Ive got six years, but I am DETERMINED to get into NYU.

So I was looking on College Confidential today at the "chance me" threads for UChicago.




This one guy listed 13 fucking AP Classes. My school only has 6 class hours in a day, and we're not allowed into AP as sophomores. It is literally impossible for me to have his record, never mind the fact that I'd need fine art/practical art/phys ed credits as well.

AND I don't have nearly the EC record of most people who post on there, and that's assuming I get into NHS, which I might not.

Not to mention the lack of IB, the fact that I'm only barely in the top quarter, rank-wise, and my GPA is hovering just below a 3.7.


jfc. *stressed as all hell*


Thank god the regional representative is here on Friday so I can go talk with him.


This is my dream school. >.< Kill me now.



I'm sorry.


I personally couldn't get in there, and wouldn't want to regardless. :/ Too much hard work, and apparently they kill partiers on site. Not a very fun place.

they kill partiers on site

lolol but I'm so not a partier.


I want a super-academic school. Maybe I'm crazy and I'd regret the workload as soon as I got it but it sounds like so much fun.


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