Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Ok... I looked through all of the threads here, so I can be reasonably sure that we don't have this one yet. It's on MDW, but a lot of new people are there and, like, virtually NO old people. EDIT: On the thread, I mean.

So, I decided to post it here. It's incredibly fun if you're creative.

So, here's how you play;
1. First poster wishes for something.
2. Second poster grants and corrupts wish and then wishes for something else.

I wish I had some tea.

Granted, but it's poisoned.
I wish I had an iPad.

Granted, but it's broken.

PS- Original credit for this thread goes to the dude Lilyflower stole it off of.

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Granted, but they take you, too, then make her their queen and you her slave.

See below response to Tally for wish.
Granted, but then your power goes out so everyone else BUT you can.

I wish you would rp NOW!
Granted, but you only feel inspired for the Narnia 2 rp. XD

I wish my dog would stop using the bathroom on the floor.
Granted, but your iPod gets struck by lightning and shorts out your computer, too.

I wish I had something better to do than spend my time corrupting wishes.
Granted, but you're making a map of Latin America and it's really annoying because you have to get everything compleatly poportionetly right.
That's what I have to do. XP

I wish I didn't have to do that for homework.
Granted, but now you have to write a 1000 page essay on the exports of Botswana.

I wish my eye didn't itch.
Granted, but your fish does, and you have to scratch it. And it's slimy, like most fishes are.

I wish I had a pet zebra.
Granted, but it gets stripe cancer so you have to remove its stripes, making it look like a regular old horse.

I wish I could play the piano.
Granted, but you can only play in one key, e flat. I love my piano. It's my buddie.

I wish I could play guitar.
Granted, but the strings break every time you touch one. I love my guitar.

I wish my foot wasn't asleep again!
Granted, but didn't you already wish for that? Right, that's why you said again...

I wish my friend would email me back so she would stop annoying me about seeing my house for the first time.
Granted, but she emails you about seeing your house for the first time.

I wish I wasn't craving Honey Nut Cheerios.


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