Hey, guys, Tally, Silver, and I need a place to post... So I figured it was alright to post here... Thanks... Anyone else can join us to talk about Pokemon Black and White. Or prior versions. Whatever, really.
I should be at Victory Road, gotten through it and all, then left when hit the Elite four. Kinda neglecting to do it. Figure I need to train. And I've been chasing after. . . Thunderous? Something like that. The one that makes storms.
Samurott's like 58ish?
Victini is 47 or so.
Rest are 43-39. I'm rather horrid with training.
But in my defense, I've had hw. >.>
My team is doing okay. I'm planning on catching a Mienfoo and using it, it'll make a good addition to my team of more than 6 Pokemon.
Tally and I just battled. I owned her. It felt good.
Right after I posted, I somehow miraculously beat Ingo and unlocked the Super Train.
Aww yeah?
Thanks to school business (Hey, now I know where the word came from. I meant to type "busy-ness."), I have just beat the fourth gym.
Astrise/Daikenki- Lv31
And the rest of them (Sandile, Pidove, Zip the zebra) are just there varying in level from 25 to 29. I don't like them much; Pidove in particular seems to have the defense of his feathers and attacking power not much greater than that. That said, the game itself is great; I enjoy the challenge.
You mean I have to catch another one...and train it?
Or it might be that it's been so long since I've had to fight for an in-game battle that entering a battle without everything bursting into flames on sight is surprising.
I've lost two teams of doom; my Sapphire Blaziken-Mightyena team and my Firered team.
Nah, it evolved and I'm going to replace it with a Wargle later anyway.
I don't have much time becuase of homework so this will be a quick opinion blog thing, but
Omfg Castelia City. I was holding my breath over SkyArrow Bridge. That was Nintento showing off. And it was spectacular.It was one of those moments comparable to beating the E4 or crossing over to Kanto in Gold for the first time.
Once I got to Castelia City I was sad to see the bridge go but I was ready for more awesome and wow it was just as great as I expected. The buildings, the scrolling people. I walked in front of various people to see what would happen; they dodged aside, which made me grin like an idiot and become a scrolling-people-troll for a minute or so. The way the roads curve. I had seen it on the bridge of course but still. Really cool.
Basically the graphics are amazing. The buildings, interesting angles, the feeling of space. The animated battle scenes are cute, the camera moving is exciting, and the Xtransreciever 4-way calls are fun because they make the characters' mouths move.
The Pokedex seems relevant now; everything I catch gives me the feeling that catching a rare Pokemon in HeartGold or Diamond does because they're new. I am motivated to fill it because I truly want to know about these Pokemon and am not thinking at the back of my mind 'I have this Pokemon in my other cart'.
Ah so much more to say. But I have homework.
Lol you're so cute. You're like one of those movies where they take the little girl who wants to be a movie star to Hollywood and she's never seen a city before. Except Castelia City doesn't have as much whores and drugs.
Cool fact: The amount of people going by in the busy streets varies on the time. I played at 8 AM once and there were literally about 150 people.
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