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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

[Edited Because I Fracking Can]

Welcome to the Secret Confessions thread. Beyond the pure anonymity of the internet, there lies a certain level of understanding behind all the accounts here on FF. The SC account carries burden of allowing the user to give a candid, private confession with (hopefully) understanding feedback. The SC thread is for other posters to give kind and/or helpful advice, words of empathy, or a secret of their own (under the SC name or not).

This account is a group account, and EVERYONE needs to treat it respectfully. By posting under the Secret Confessor, you are pledging to refrain from hate mail, "finger-pointing", insulting and being a jerkface. By posting in the SC thread, you are pledging to keep the comments respectful. This has not yet been a problem, but it's nice to have written down "just in case".

If you would like to use the SC account for ANY reason beside posting in this thread, please PM me- even if it's under the SC name (this is not to exert authority, but to maintain order over a very accessible account).

Thank you!

Password: secret

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My confession? Things are GOOD right now. :)
Starting Sunday, I get to see my girlfriend for 18 hours a day, the six outside of that being sleep, for six days.

I am so happy.

Have fun.

I miss you, btw.
When you're online and not having a life, we should talk.
Sorry for the double post.

So, I just feel the need to rant because I need someone to do that to:

The past week I was out of town at a Youth conference. My youth group is pretty cool and we really bonded. However, on the last day, they managed to ruin quite a bit of it. We got out at 3:30 to walk back to the house, which takes about ten to fifteen minutes. It began to storm, and people got home at about 3:40, in drizzle. My friend and I were out with a girl that I honestly dislike (in the vague way that you don't really want to be around them and find them annoying) that likes me a lot and thinks I like her a lot (as a friend for both). We started walking at about 3:40, and halfway there, the drizzle went into torrential rainfall in two seconds flat. I had my bag and my Keytar with me, and if either got wet, well, you know what happens when an electrical keyboard gets soaked through. My friend and I ran under a small overhang which was the only shelter from the rain (about 10 square feet to stand in), but the girl decided to get soaked and keep going, but she knew exactly where we were. To make a long story short, my friend and I were under the overhang for two hours, which was our entire free time, while everyone else was at home, dry, having fun, with four adults capable of driving three different vans the 300 or so feet we were stranded in. So we stood for two hours, in a little river (driveways flooded to up to one foot of rain) while not one person even asked where we were until the storm let up. And the girl knew exactly where we were. And all of the adults were home. And all of the kids had umbrellas and legs. So I'm pretty pissed that after bonding with the group, including telling a lot of the stuff about me I don't like to, they show that they don't want to be around me. And, of course, the fact that when we got back, soaked, after two hours, the youth pastor in charge of making sure we were safe/chaperoned/etc, claimed that "everyone walked home too", "we were dry" (I know how fucking dry or wet I am, kthx), "you were just up the road", and I don't even want to know his excuse for why he lost the capability to drive a minivan. I'm furthermore pissed because the largest metaphor in ALL of the worship services that week were about helping each other through life's metaphorical storms, and nobody could even hand me an umbrella in a literal one.

Err, sorry, rant over. But yeah.
*offers tea*
Sooo... This isn't a confession at all, I just need advice/to rant.

This is my third year playing volleyball for the Crusaders. My first year I sucked, and my second I ranked as their highest player other than the hitters during the state tournament. (They do this funky thing where they give you so many points for every good thing you do and other shit... It's weird, but most of the time it reflects a player's abilities on that day, a pretty good system.) Last year we had seven seniors graduate, one junior move, and several of our better JV players switch to a private school. Long story short, they're pulling thirteen year olds (ok, only one) up to play on varsity this year. So, I was a little shocked when the JV coach called me after tryouts to tell me how excited she was to have me on JV. Again.

I was ranting to my friend (the obscenely good 13 year old who made it on varsity and is probably their third best player this year) who happens to be the middle school coach's daughter. She and her mom basically told me that they were going to have a sucky defense this year no matter what, so they invested in a whole load of hitters. And that was definitely retarded because two competent back row players always trumps one libero. But it basically came down to me and Katy and Katy is a senior so she has to play on varsity or not at all. So I got screwed.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I have some friends who are going to be on JV this year who I'm excited to play with. I also know that Katherine is going to be on varsity so it's perfectly lovely that I don't have to put up with another year of her shit. And Jordyn's drama. And Katy's... Herself-ness. And I really do love the coach, and JV has a bigger chance of taking home the trophy anyways this year.

But it is humiliating, to say the least, to be the only 15 year old still on JV when my thirteen year old and fourteen year old friends are on varsity this year. I kinda want to quit, but if I come back next year the coaches will be all 'she's the one who quit just because she felt embarrassed'. Not to mention that I'm already registered.

So... I just needed to rant about that.

That sucks major, I know how you feel.

-no advice, but offers soup-

Wait, if you were ranked as their highest non-hitter, why are you still on JV? >.>
Because our coaches are retarded. They decided that they were going to have one libero (a defensive specialist) and the rest as hitters. It's a stupid strategy, and they're going to bomb this year.
That happened to me last year with basketball. Volleyball, too, but. . . .basketball it hurt more. Just. . . .>.<" So. Pissed. I understand completely.

Crush everyone. At practice, I mean, and be nice off court. Also, if you're lucky, some will get hurt, some will have boyfriend trouble, and some will decide they don't need to go to practice all the time. Then the coach can use you as an example, move you up and let you excel at a higher level, or you'll be in a better place for next year. Try to have fun, and play it like it's rec ball.

Unless some huge 6' 2" girl comes and takes your spot even after that. >.> *mutters* *still isn't over this*
Thanks. :/ *shall* You play volleyball? I knew Fishy did, but i didn't know you did.

Tall people suck. Like, 23% of the time anyone's life is screwed up, it's because of a tall/taller person. Or, you know, probably not, but it sounds possible.
I played Middle. Hated back row, so I would always get the coach to have the libero go in for me there and I only had to worry about blocking and hitting. I only got on the team because I'm not short, and my vertical jump was sweet. XD And I had they whole hand-eye coordination down because it was the size of a basketball and the entire summer I'd just done tip drills.

Fishy actually played competitively. I was just there to get in shape for basketball, to have fun, and to win. Or lose, losing didn't matter too much. Too, here the system is screwed. Since the coach owns his own Club branch, if you don't pay ~2000 to play for club, you won't get on the team for a second year. Very few exceptions. *quit because of that* All of my lovely basketball friends were cut for that, and the volleyball girls drove me mad. x.x

>.<" I know. Bleh. I dislike tall people being all tall. *wants to be tall*


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