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I'm not super feminine in the way that Western society proscribes, even though I have a female body. Some days I like to wear skirts and be all soft and girly, but... more of the time I'm plaid shirts, jeans, holding the door for girls, cursing, all that.
The part that has me most confused is that... liking girls feels like the 'norm' to me -- being attracted to men feels like it's a homosexual attraction.
So I'm stuck somewhere in between butch and femme, somewhere between social man and social woman, and man, I am so confused by myself I don't even.
Permalink Reply by Fate on November 2, 2010 at 1:44pm
Not all girls are super feminine. I'm rather tomboyish and felt horribly awkward in the dress I wore to homecoming. One of my best friends has been caught in a dress once. Some girls are more...guyish. I'd rather hang around a group of guys than a group of girly girls.
For some people, that's normal. Maybe you aren't bi? Maybe you're completely lesbian?
It's alright to be confused. You're still young. Sometimes I forget that you're only a year older than me. Maybe you're forgetting this too?
>.> I'm pretty incredibly butchy that way, but I do have my "wear a fuckin skirt like yeah, makeup like yeah" days.
I really have no idea -- it seems like I'm attracted to people either way, but I absorbed the worldview that guys have, not the one that girls have: likin' girls is cool, having the hots for dudes is gay.
One month. I've only had one relationship that's ever lasted longer, and it ripped me to shreds. Is he right? Is this my 'schedule'? And why the fuck do I feel so unexplainably uncomfortable with a guy who is perfect?