Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was thinking that it might be easier to follow confessions if there is a separate "Secret Confessions" category in the Forum with the login info as the description. That way, people can post their confessions individually, and will be able to track the responses much more easily than having it mixed in with the rest of them in one discussion.

Downside: Recent Discussions on the main page might be overrun with SC discussions due to their increase in numbers. But I suppose with enough determination, the regular threads will overthrow them. :P (if that didn't make any sense, then don't worry about it. I'm on no sleep...)

What do you guys think? Yay or nay?

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*votes no*

Sorry. But.... Okay. If we do the Secret Confessions like this, it's pretty safe to say that I will NEVER, EVER make another confession. I don't like making threads, I always feel insignificant and like it wasn't worthy of a thread. Making a reply is way less intimidating, and makes it easier for people to just post with no worries.

Also, I love my recent page, I don't want it destroyed. D:
I totally get that. :P

Hmmm...maybe there could be two choices. The original thread for people with smaller problems/a hatred for starting threads/etc, or a seperate thread if the problem is larger/the person likes to start threads (like me :P). I dunno, I just find it hard to track responses when I confess...and I don't turn on the email alerts because people are also responding to other confessions and it would junk up my inbox.

But yeah, I totally get where you're coming from...although I don't think that all three or so "Recent Discussions" will be all SC-related providing that ones like "What are you doing right now?" stay up. ;)

The thread is awesome, and it's helped a lot of people as it is either way, it's cool.
*nods* That would be good. I wouldn't mind if other people had their own threads, just... I wouldn't want to start my own thread, it would feel stupid for me.

I could get used to it either way, though, it doesn't matter too much.
I'm the Queen of Stupid Threads, it doesn't bother me personally. :P

Oops...typed "threats" on accident the first time...xD I'd be the Queen of receiving them, in that case.
Hello Aven, I don't believe we've met.

Not that I have any say or anything over this, but I prefer it in just one thread. I feel more conferable posting as just one post among many others, and too, it is fairly easy to keep track off. Also, if you just want to get something off your chest, its usually buried after a few days.

I prefer it as a thread. Or if someone needs help with something, usually they no where to find people to ask/they can make a thread then.

XD It does make sense.
You all have good points. Me and my dumb ideas :(
And we have met. I changed my name on here due to a recent unfortunate occurance. This is Avenged. :P
I like this idea. And we can always create a lump thread for people who don't want to post a new one.
The lump thread being Doomy's current thread, of course :P she can just relabel it into the new category.
o.o I feel so spechul!

And of course, I'd be honored if we were to do something like this >.>

First the spot posting, and now this <3


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