Started this discussion. Last reply by Omega Feb 1, 2011.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Mia Love <3 Nov 23, 2011.
Started this discussion. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Jan 14, 2013.
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I just read this on the MX website and I had to say something about it so:
I was thinking they were all robots... (except Mod Katy, she's got human attributes)"
You're right... ModKaty's human attributes is her amazing ability to be a complete and utter bitch. Seriously she's all nice and I'll tell you why you where banned one minute, the next she's blackmailing you. You can kind of tell it was Katy who banned me this time can't you XD.
Huh, maybe that's why she hates me so much....Sometimes people just get to you. If she's destroying your self esteem let your friends build it up again.
You're just like me in ways, you have the same ideas and ideals, you're just not as 'vocal'
as Doomy would sayas me.You're an intelligent person trying to have fun and benefit other people, you have a right to be on that site, and you shouldn't have to change yourself for anyone.
Katy is manipulative, and it's not your fault if she succeeds in making you feel bad. If you want, whenever she makes you feel bad, PM me and I'll point out all the reason she should be feeling bad, and you shouldn't. ^-^
The fact she's successfully making you feel guilty says a lot about your character, that you're a good person who doesn't want to be doing something that's bad.
Her ideas of bad aren't the most accurate in the world, so let your friends, the people who know you best, be the judge of that.
I'd start acrhving if I where you. I didn't even get a third warning so you might not.
I'm on here as much as is humanely possible, I'd gladly leave MX so long as all my friends left with me. Once you're banned it kind of makes you wonder what's the point of going on if you can't be yourself...
If there's anything you want to talk about, or bitch about or just have some company, I'm always here.
I know quite a few Noobs who'd dispute it.*nods*
Good luck, A warning though; whenever you get more than ten posts with a dummy account it tends to SUCK when that acount gets banned too. ^-^
'Twas a real bummer when I lost my main account.
Ah well, just do your best not to get banned.
If you do though I'm here. :D
Oh well.
I hope you have many more happy daus before your possible ban.
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