Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I don't own anything you recognize. I'm going to tell you the story of Rol's life, the shortened version. I deticating this to mrlover Rol's first fan. And I apologize in advance for my spelling, the computer I'm on doesn't have spell check. And I don't know about German laws so it is probably incorrect. Oh, please ignore the lack of an accent.

The All Knowing Possibly Hyper Authors Pov (TAKPHAPOV for short. :3)

So, I suppose, I will start with Rol's full name. Roland ter Borcht Jr. You see before the Maximum Ride books came out Roland ter Borcht was married to a woman who he loved and was in love with him. Unfortunately it was ruined when she became pregnant with their child which would have been wonderful if Roland hadn't decided he needed to "improve" their child. His wife wouldn't stand for it and fled. She went to apply for a divorce and got into a big law suit then one day...

*knock knock knock* "Yes?" a very pregnant Mrs. ter Borcht said as she answered the door.
"Excuse me but we're from the government and we want to ask you about your husband Mr. ter Bortch. And we would like you to come downtown with us." A man wearing a suit said showing her a Badge.
"Oh no! Roland isn't in trouble is he?" she asked worry showing on her face.
"Possibly. We can tell you more downtown." He stated.
"Well, okay." She said nervously. "Let me get my coat."

"You are probably wondering why we brought you here, Mrs. ter Borcht." The man from earlier said.
"Yes, I am. Very much so." She said in a firm voice determined not to be weak.
"As you might know your husband has been experimenting with DNA, but he has gone to far and we are trying to put him away and if you can tell us anything that could help us we would appreciate it and it would make it easier to convince a judge that he is unfit as a parent if he is in jail. And the government would be willing to help you start over anywhere in the world if you assist us." The man explained.
"Are trying to bribe me into betraying my husband?" she said quietly.
"No, just trying to get your help and offering a chance at the witness protection program." he said smoothly.

Oooh cliffy I is so evil. I apologies again for my spelling and I will try to fix it later. Thanks for reading. Sorry for the wait. Please comment. I fixed my spelling.

Views: 2

Comment by Nighthawk on October 11, 2009 at 10:37am
*ter Borcht

Comment by Random Girl A.K.A. Nobody on October 12, 2009 at 1:28am



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