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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

How my assignments get done - a tale of late nights, absent alarms and procrastination

2:00 am - I have not written my English paper. I glance at the prompt, and I shake my head. It is much too late to embark on such a mind-numbing journey. I know that I have to be up early, so I prepare for bed. I set my alarm for 5:30 am. I will write the paper in the morning. I will leave at 8:00 am to go to class, and all will be well.

5:30 am - My alarm goes off. I turn it off out of habit. I then change the time to 6:00 and go back to sleep.

6:42 am - I wake up.


I fly out of bed and run to the laptop, grab my book, and read and read and read as fast as I can until the words blur and then I try reading again and then everythinggoeslikethisandistartspewingoutrandombullshituntilimeetthewordcountrequirement and I keep typing and typing, even as I get dressed and put my makeup on, and finally, I print it out and shove it in a folder and run out the door.

The rest of the day - I re-read it and see the typos and the overall fail of my assignment.

2:00 pm - I'll turn it in and fret about my grade until after spring break.

Damn procrastination >.>

This needs a picture book...xD

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