Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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I haven't got a basement, dear. But the rest of it'll work.
-Forgets you don't-

I used to live in one so I assume automatically...

So... where else is really cold?

Seriously -- just get into a decent school. College is for working out what you want to do.
Classes start on the 16th. I'm in for some random Humanities courses and German -- killing time before I go to a real school _o_ I'd love to take chemistry or a biology course, but I'm afraid to.

:D :D :D :D :D :D


I just got my acceptance to the University of Melbourne.  

Yay! Congrats!






Called it. 


Congrats Emily! :DDD


I TOLD you, ALL the unis will want Emily. 



That's wonderful, love. Congratulations!

Two and a half years left, but meh. Want to go to UBC. Really, really badly.

...University of British Columbia?


My parents are being kind of pressure-y about me staying in the state -- "ooo such and such a school has a really good program" and it's always a school in Colorado.

You get a cost deduction for going to a college in your own state. That's probably why.


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