Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

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  • Philadelphia, PA
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EndOfTheEarth's Friends

  • Mia Love <3
  • Flame the FireSpy
  • Miss Avain
  • Hannah
  • McFood
  • Hannah
  • Sora
  • SilverMoonArcher
  • Devil's Sunrise
  • Fake
  • Fate
  • odyssey2341
  • Tally
  • Random Girl A.K.A. Nobody
  • Lamp Post

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EndOfTheEarth's Discussions

Back up your MDW posts!"Alert: In early January, [Max-Dan-Wiz] will migrate over to a new and improved…Continue

Started Jan 14, 2013

Video/Audio Meetup? ROUND TWO! WE'RE OVERDUE!
62 Replies

This was brought up on the other thread some time ago, and I figured that it would be a fun idea to give the topic a kick and its own thread name. So:Which date/time?(How about a month, for starters?…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by MusicInTheWind Oct 24, 2014.

American Government sues Hachette and others
2 Replies you weren't quite sure…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by EndOfTheEarth Sep 7, 2012.

What if...
8 Replies

It's occurred to me that we've managed to get a number of Antis back on to MDW, covertly, in one way or another, and the mods seem to be...generally gone.Is there any chance in hell that we can get…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sora Dec 15, 2011.

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EndOfTheEarth's Page

A quasi-absence

Hello (your name goes here),

I’ve been a resident of this site for a long time, years in fact, and while I’ve had a lot of fun here, it does soak up a lot of my time. Sadly, little of this time is actually productive while I wait around for big news or a really good conversation to start up.

So, I’m going to try something a bit different. Instead of leaving outright, I’m going to ‘back off’ until winter break—that’s about mid-December for me. During this time you can contact me at <lol, very funny botnets!>, but only do so in the event of a really good science/plot discussion on the site, or in the event of MAJOR site news pertaining to the Maximum Ride series. (For my own defense, if you spam me with fanfic announcements, RP invites, or chain letters, I’ll be listing you as spam).

In the meantime, I have a novel to edit and five college English Classes to beat the snot out of. This isn’t a goodbye—wake me when you need me.






Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 11:26am on November 2, 2009, odyssey2341 said…
I like your profile picture. Is it a nebula or a supernova?
Or am I too stupid to guess correctly?
At 9:34am on December 25, 2009, SilverMoonArcher said…
Is that DP the DP you've always used?
At 12:08pm on January 21, 2010, Xuut said…
I've figured out why they named our moon Luna. Luna is Latin for Moon. Terra is Latin for earth, ground, land, country, and soil. Unlike the other planets which are named after Roman gods', our planet uses Latin words and the moon follows in its suite.
At 3:45am on May 15, 2010, Captain 'EgWa' Terror said…
We were studying the life cycle of a star today, and your profile pic was part of the slideshow. I had a 'o.O' moment.

...Yeeah, this is all. (:
At 12:08pm on September 25, 2010, nobody said…
I know that 'nobody' is a stupid name, but I'm not creative enough to think of something original and didn't want to spend a whole lot of time trying.
I like your picture, by the way.
At 6:04am on February 19, 2011, Flame the FireSpy said…
Hey, Endof! I'm finally on the site now.
At 6:42am on August 16, 2011, Mia Love <3 said…
Thanks for the comment. I'm in the process of editing.
At 7:03pm on August 4, 2015, Raigeon said…

Thank you! That's unfortunate with members leaving, though not so much with the series ending (imo it should have ended at book three). And, yeah! The Maximum-X site was a place where tiny baby me hung around during my early internet years. It was a blast, and I'm still a bit sad about it being deleted. Lotsa fun memories on there. As for finding this site, I did a bit of google searching to try and find some sort of active forum where old members possibly might still be lurking around, and luckily I found Flock Forum! It's nice to see you're still around EndOf. :)

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About Me
I'm a fairly nice guy, or try to be anyway
horror or sci fi
greatest hits of the 18th century
horror or sci-fi. especially if it involves genetics.

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EndOfTheEarth's Blog

Another brief scary-ish story.

Requested by someone on MDW. I typed it up in under an hour, so it's doubtlessly riddled with spelling and grammar flaws. Hope you find it interesting regardless.


You don’t need monsters or ghosts to trouble you. Some of the worst things in the woods are very real, and much smaller than you’d expect.


It started with just one bite.

Hannah firmly slapped the small mosquito away, but it was already too late. The spot was itchy.

“The mosquito…


Posted on March 10, 2011 at 11:12am

A scary story for Halloween

I wrote this for Faker than fake's contest on MDW. Thoughts?

Greg Halifax was tired.

Greg Halifax was tired for the same reason that many other people are tired; he had gone through a whole week of work, a whole week of sitting in front of his home computer and completing site

analysis jobs for an advertising company, and in that time, little, if

anything, had…


Posted on November 1, 2010 at 2:25am — 3 Comments

Late at Night

If Angel really was both evil and psychotic, it might be something like this...or a more elaborate version of this, considering that I barfed it out in less than an hour.

It was night, the room was dark and full of shadows.…


Posted on September 25, 2010 at 11:57am — 10 Comments

A writing piece

I've recieved requests for one of these. I wrote this for English last year and submitted it to the literary magazine. They dumped it though, because I suppose it wasn't artsy enough :P No relation to any preexisting work whatsoever.

Rainy Day

Wednesday has a reputation of being one of the most miserable days of the week. When Robert McKonn woke that morning, he was miserable over the fact that it was just the case that day. It was a Wednesday.

The fact… Continue

Posted on January 20, 2010 at 4:01am — 4 Comments

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Fate replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"I don't have any notifications on but I pop by here maybe once a month or so. Mostly when procrastinating. I lived in Phoenix (Mesa, actually) for a few years. I visit friends there like once or twice a year. If you haven't been to Cornish…"
Feb 28
EndOfTheEarth updated their profile
Feb 27
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Not sure if any of you follow this anymore, but worth posting this just in case: There's a new solicitation/scam going around Basically someone offers services for art of your work and charges you an obscene price for AI…"
Feb 27
Fate replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"I hope y'all are doing really, really well in life. Wishing you only the best. <3"
Oct 27, 2023
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Really enjoyed Pattinson's role in Lighthouse. Nice to see both overcame their start."
May 11, 2022
Fake Fang replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"This is tangential to the thread since the days of the Twilight forum are long in the past, but Kristen Stewart got nominated for Best Actress, and that makes me really happy. I don't remember if I was ever specifically mean to her, but the…"
Mar 26, 2022
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
" TFW your original audience is now old enough to get plastered reading your shitty books."
Feb 11, 2022
Lamp Post replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Late!  Just got the notification from this... 2020/1 was very good to me. Prior to the pandemic, I had been working in Aerospace doing BI Dev at a company that let me take a month off to excavate the 2019 season at Pompeii. Decided that was a…"
Oct 4, 2021
nathan_p replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"I check in every now and then. On the whole I'm doing alright! I finished college in 2018, and since then I've been working + occasionally writing. I've also been collecting a bunch of Maximum Ride fandom stuff on a very basic website…"
Sep 11, 2021
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
" Nice taking a trip down memory lane. Thanks Nathan_p!"
Aug 19, 2021
Keiralee replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Make sure you come back and let us know when you do!"
Aug 17, 2021
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Things are crazy, but the pandemic might be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm about to start my last semester on a Grad Degree in Cybersecurity. Between scholarships, unemployment comp, and stimulus, I'm going to come out…"
Aug 10, 2021
Mia Love <3 replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Oh my god, I remembered this site existed today while sitting at work- glad to see so many of you are doing well (okay is good too!) and have stopped back here recently!  I just graduated with my bachelor's in May (which unfortunately made…"
Aug 6, 2021
Fake Fang replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Things could be better, but they could also be a heck of a lot worse. I've been staying with family for most of COVID. It's been nice, but I'm a little ambivalent about getting an apartment again. I'll have to for work, but…"
Aug 5, 2021
Fate replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"I check sporadically! Times are weird for sure, but things are good? Living in a decent apartment with good roommates. We got a great dane. Her name's Olive and we love her. Working for a non-profit. Still writing here and there. I mean, other…"
Jul 20, 2021
o0_flying high_0o replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"I’ve been on a nostalgia kick the last few days, and thought I would come say hello to anyone who still gets notifications here! How are you all going? It’s a, been some interesting times.  "
Jul 9, 2021
nathan_p replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Yeah, from what I've heard it's not good.  I checked the ebook out from my local library and read approximately one paragraph before concluding "fuck this" and returning the book. "
Dec 17, 2020
Fate replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
"Oooooof, that was a JOURNEY. A bizarre journey. I'm not surprised he continued the series but also just. fuckin. why."
Nov 12, 2020
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
" I'm happy I didn't spend money on this. Holy shit. What a clusterfuck."
Sep 16, 2020
EndOfTheEarth replied to EndOfTheEarth's discussion What are you doing right now?
" FUUUUUUCK, let it die already! I'm busy preparing for grad school!"
May 14, 2020

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