Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I figured that some of you would probably be on tonight to escape your families. Ah well, we're all practically family here. Figured this would make a great place to talk about the past year, life in general, what makes you happy this time of year, and so on.

*passes out hot cocoa*

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*had a wood stove in.... one of the houses she's lived in*

They're pretty awesome, imo. But fireplaces are cool too, as long as they're not electric fireplaces. *shudder*
We've had gas fireplaces before. That's about it. Although apparently asstons of people have wood stoves around here, 'cause fucktons of places sell firewood.
We have fireplaces in most houses (difference between fireplace and woodstove, but they do basically the same thing I think...).

I had an electric fireplace in one house I lived in, it malfunctioned and the house burned to the ground at 4am. This is why I dislike electric fireplaces.
vOv I don't creep on people bein' all like "So do you have a fireplace?", so I dunno.

o.o Jesus, dude.
We have to ask before we burn wood in our fireplaces and woodstoves.... Like, you have to call up the city and ask permission, and only a certain amount of people can do it per day. If they see smoke coming from your chimney and you don't have clearance, it's a huge fine.

Yeah >.> I'm not really sure about that kind of thing...

We have a woodstove at my mom's house, but it's only there to heat a sunroom that was added onto the house. They literally stuck an extra room on our house, and forgot to put in insulation.
Well theres some genius construction for ya =/

@Fishy - We have wood burning restrictions here, too. Theres like, red days, and blue days. Pollution control - the whole front range gets all brown and icky when too many people burn wood =/ Its pretty unsightly, not to mention, sucks all to breath it. Personally, I've got a dandy thing called a pellet stove - looks like a wood burning stove, but burns these little rabbit turd looking pellets. Its super efficient, and theres no restrictions on it ^.^
Our pollution is always bad, so our wood burning is super restricted. When you drive up the hill, you can see the layers of smog in the valley, it's kinna gross.
Yeah, same here. Cept its terribly disgusting, not just kinda gross =( Its espeically bad during times of inversion, when the cold air sinks and traps all the crud down around the surface. Those days we actually have health advisories to stay indoors =/
You guys are kinda making me appreciate not living in a big city. Or state.
Drat. I missed this thread! (Missed as in never saw it).


Life this year could be worse. Hell o'va lot worse. School makes me sleepy. Zzz... damn, I have a lot of homework tonight.


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