Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Very likely, yes.

But for now.... *is winning*
*doesn't believe that*
Not for long, will you.

*just realized I have school today*

Aw, crap.... *runs off to get ready*
Lightheaded, semi-worried about that. Hoping I'll be better tomorrow, knowing I most likely won't.
Sleep? Eat something? Stop the bleeding?

....well, those are normally the reasons one would be lightheaded. You okay?
Just had food, slept almost twelve hours last night, and unless it's internal I'm not bleeding.

Haven't been in the best mood lately, and I have a bit of a cold, but other than that I'm all right.
Feel better, Nathan.

*offers tea*
Okay. I have just read the last 30 pages.

Fuck the mods. That's a lot of banning. They still haven't bothered with me, although I've been kinda quiet.

@nathan: The Wings of Wrath got really ridiculous after a while (oh, say 10 chapters). So I stopped bothering to keep up with it. It's pretty epic for an MR fic (it has subplots!), but long winded and tends to kick it's own canon in the balls.

@ everyone in general: Theme song for the banhammer: Weasel Stomping Day, by Weird Al.
Yeah.... Being banned sucks. *searches song*

Nice song choice, though. xD
I try to reread it, forget which fic it is, and then those goddamn OCs show up, I remember Jeb dies, and I go WELL FUCK THAT THEN and go reread the dictionary because it honestly has more appeal.
I also have school, um, today, but g'night anyway.


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