Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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If it got deleted again... Yes please.
It's still up.
*viewing the fruits of my labour or whatever the saying is*

*bows* Thank you, everyone who enjoyed iRemember's post, and you guys didn't really need to save the ModKaty archive thing; I've had it saved since the bastards came. Just wanted to stir up some memories of how the mods treated us and their view and things. "Can't discuss other members with you." is like their fucking catch phrase. How the fuck do we find out what we did 'wrong' if we have no one to tell us? Not that I don't know, of course, but it's the principle that counts.
Home. Tired. Making tea.
Just read a few pages back to see what I missed... This is never gonna end, is it?
Not until every anti is banned so they have nobody to fight with.
...Even then, it won't be over, though, for some of us.
. . . . .sadly, no.
Mom is posting an AMAZING reply in response to the fight with said mod. I'm posting it in here as soon as she's done with it.
*is still waiting*
flying high, I love you. Your most recent post referencing the court room was eloquent and well-stated.

Nighthawk is my daughter and I am a teacher of children with special needs. She did not post any profanity. She did, perhaps defend her site friends too vehemently, but she is a passionate person with deep feelings. She started the group called sane FANS! She still loves the books and the characters. She was harsh toward the moderators that shut down people that she loved to share ideas with, even if she did not always agree with those people.

I am deeply disturbed by the fact that my daughter wrote chapters and chapters of fan fiction on this site, and it was deleted. She is a child. She was stretching her wings by writing creatively. She did not think to keep copies of her work on her computer, because she naively thought her writing was safe there. Apparently it was not.

My daughter appreciates intelligent conversation, and has more respect for those on the site who utilize proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I am afraid to recommend this site to students now. It has really seemed like the members who share opinions that may not be exactly in line with "promotion" of the newer books have been "erased." I have been lurking, watching, and listening. Also, controversy is a great promotional tool, in case you didn't know.

Does James Patterson know what is going on here? I've heard that some moderators have not even read the books. If you haven't read the books, you certainly do not deserve to be a moderator. Did you know that inciting riots is actually one of James Patterson's goals? He would love nothing more than for fans of Maximum Ride to become informed consumers, who riot against practices that damage our planet, its wildlife, etc. Patterson would love to see readers riot for recycling, riot for real information, and riot for equal and fair treatment of all people regardless of race, sex, creed or disability. That's the whole point! Read the books, as I have, and you will know that.

I am sure that James Patterson himself has a sense of humor. I plan to share every bit of information on this, and am documenting constantly in order to let him know the sad state of affairs on his site. I am crushed that my daughter's writing has been ERASED!!

Perhaps this is the very best thing that could have happened. You have created an atmosphere that actually allows these free-thinking people to experience first-hand the evils of censorship of free speech and thought and the control that corporate America wishes it could have over all people. Unfortunately, you cannot have our minds, our thoughts, or our dreams. They will live on, even if we all get “Erased” from this particular place. Know that I cannot lose my writing. I have it backed up everywhere, and my daughter has learned a valuable lesson on this.

We’ll be back, as Arnie S. says. We will not disappear. We have not really left, even if we have been “erased.” You have actually inspired all of us. What a fantastic wake-up call! Corporate controllers are ruling this site. I refuse to believe that Patterson would endorse this “erasing.” I believe we are his champions. Go Max! Go Fang! The Flock will fly on!

Fly on,



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