Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Properly awake now. I've had tea and breakfast and everything. And I'm on a laptop with keys and proper Ning and everything :D

EDIT: Maybe 'properly awake' is an exaggeration, considering I used both proper and everything twice without realising it.
XD Nice.

Well. . . good morning.
Morning to you too, or rather afternoon.
You just made me think of the 'Silly interview Sketch' from Monty Python.

Edit - Your post on Antis fans thread. . .win.
Is that a good or bad thing? *can only very vaguely remember a Monty Python sketch involving an interview*

Hmm... how do reckon Genn will react to me replying to the "All further replies will be deleted" post in a condescending and sarcastic manner? I'm thinking it was rather stupid of me, but when I realised what she must have meant by misinformation it was just way too tempting.
I'll find it and link you.

She'll either delete the thread, ban you, or so something else horrible.

You're doing a magnificent job on MX, though, I wish I could join you.

Thanks XD

Meh, between facebook and here, now that it's finally active, I'll survive. It probably helps that I still haven't received any warnings. I know they're fond of skipping that step nowadays, but it might help somehow.

It would be so much more fun if everyone was there, then again that's the whole problem *sigh*
Meh, it didn't help me.

*offers tea*
Yes, but they've got it into their heads you're some crazed criminal stalker coming to kill them in their beds, God knows how. I'm merely a nuisance who keeps wanting to talk about fair treatment and all that nonsense.

*takes tea*
*offers Lamp some too*
I was the nuisance who demanded fair treatment and answers...

I got permabanned. V.V

Maybe they just hate me? Or maybe they got pissed off because I posted that thread after they had banned four people already...
*takes tea*

Why, thank you.


Xuut - Maybe they were just in a banning mood that night.
Or maybe I'll find myself permabanned next time Genn logs in.

Still... fingers crossed. I like this account, I'd rather not lose it so close to the first anniversary. Not that you'd know that since all the early posts have been deleted *grumbles*


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