Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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But... the sanes /like/ the books and everything. They're the shining example that, hey, you /don't/ have to be an idiot with less than two brain cells to enjoy reading our books.
You're both right. *is lazy and can't bothered replying twice*

It's the whole having a brain thing... apparently it's not a good idea in the MR fandom if you wish to either remain a fan of the books or stay on the good side of the mods.
*revives Fate*

Yeah, I saw it on FB.

*cries* Stupid mods.
Thanks *takes tissues*

*starts sobbing*

She didn't even do anything wrong...

Woah, grammar fail. Or something. That sentence just sounds incorrect.
Damnit. I'm like never on.

And I've got to go to dinner. See you.
Don't know. She didn't even get the banning email.

It almost makes me glad my early posts have all been deleted... *mourns lost posts*

Nice. Though I've admitted to thinking similar things, once upon a time.

No posts from my first two months ;_;
Of course, you managed to get some in a thread that won't die xD

Meh, my early posts weren't all that noobish. I was just a sane and said things like 'I didn't quite hate the 4th book, mostly 'cause I could never hate anything with the flock in it'. Or something like that...
Bye, Falcon.
*sigh* Ni's banning email came through. They finally caught up with the amount of warnings they'd given her, apparently.

I looked down at the chat bar, and saw "1 Online." And then I clicked it to see who that person was....

*feels alone*


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