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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I agree.
Today I'm going to help Mom clean the house, then we're going shopping at the Greenville Mall an hour away (it has the closest Hot Topic to here), then we're going to a concert/art show where my art is being shown! :D

Tomorrow I'm going to a Rennaisance fair and a Metallica concert!

What a weekend. I'm gonna be so dead Monday.
Listening to music while trying not to get kicked off the computer. >.6

*just got back from taking the PSATs*
*is tired*
Yeah, this is kinda like the US version of a A levels.
I was kinda of disappointed.
Especially with the maths section, I expected it to be a lot harder. . . . I mean, it was nice it was fairly easy, but. . . . meh.

Other than that, it was. . . fine. . . hopefully. :D

The SATs. . . .are. . . well, fairly easy compared with A levels. Same with the ACT. They're completely different standards, really.

Basically it's just one huge standardized test, most questions multiple choice.
I only compared it to A Levels as the SATs/ACTs, are what help determine if you'll be accepted into a University.
No kidding.

And too, it helps that it seems that the US standards have been. . . .progressively been decreasing for education.

Don't worry too much, you'll doubt, do perfectly fine.

XD Thank you.

My opinion is that the US Education system is considerably worse. I remember in 5th grade (10yos), we were just being introduced to concepts I learned in Year Two.

The No Child Left Behind Act, really pulls us back.

The Education in the US. . . I wouldn't say is to the same degree throughout the country. People in some places get a very different education than those in other areas.

I think you sell yourself short.
Meh, I don't think it's so much a money problem. Obviously one component goes with needs, however.

What became an issue, now, is more that people don't try, thus loads of yearly standardized tests. The tests are made to pass, and we spend all year teaching to the test. Where I live, the standard drops every year. And this gets to a point where a few kids refusing to try actually hold an entire year of students back.
-Jumps into convo-

Where I am unless you want your child to fail, you pass to the next grade until High School. There are some kids in my class who have no mental disabilities and do things I did in third grade.

I'm not trying to be mean to them, one of them is my friend so. But it really pulls the rest of us back. I used to go to a pretty high class school and they did some of the thing we're doing a year ago.

And yes, Private schools have better education than us. They are given more chances to do Field Trips for learning and have better learning in general. Heck they have better everything than us, with the exception of sports. It seems our school is well known for that. And drugs.

Richer schools get to do better things and have better students. In my old school no one really ever failed a test. The lowest I believe was 65%? They were allowed to do a re-test and ended up with something in the high 70's.

Now I think the lowest was 40 something...


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