Fishy is comforting? No, not at all, Fishy is a spaz who looks like she's smiling when she's crying and randomly (yes, literally) spazzes out, and paces pretty much constantly.
And I have a neon pink bug! Like Barbie! *sings the theme song from the Cali Girl commercials* *doesn't actually know it* *still thinks it fits the occasion*
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 3, 2009 at 11:33am
Not really. I had a nightmare where my niece disappeared and I couldn't find her. I was talking to a stuffed animal and woke up crying. What the heck is WRONG with me?!
*is sorry for being in a bad mood when I finally show up here for once*
It's okay, hon. You should've seen some of MY bad moods lately. Seriously, there's several pages of me ranting, and being upset, and people comforting me. And when I'm really upset, I seem to.... admit to loads of things that make me more upset. *is just a trainwreck*