Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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At the rate you're going, you can still totally catch up if you start tonight. You can write fast enough, that's for sure.

The trick with NaNo is... kind of like writing essays. Being good with bullshit.

Oh, and being able to type really goddamn fast with few errors helps quite a bit, too.
Nah, with the creativity and writing speed you're showing, you could totally pull off NaNo.

You'll rock NaNo. Btw, pad with porn, fluff, tons of description, or any two of the three.

I've always been a fast typist. MX and NaNo only made me faster :D
Fishy is comforting? No, not at all, Fishy is a spaz who looks like she's smiling when she's crying and randomly (yes, literally) spazzes out, and paces pretty much constantly.

And I have a neon pink bug! Like Barbie! *sings the theme song from the Cali Girl commercials* *doesn't actually know it* *still thinks it fits the occasion*
I don't know. When somebody says something about me, not to me, I generally answer them in third person, as if I'm a different person.

XD That's the first thing I thought. Who wants to be Skipper?
Very good. XD

Brilliant as always, characterisation is done wonderfully, as always. And now I really want to know what happened during the day...
Spent most of the weekend worrying about homework, so I sent an e-mail to my teacher and found out that we don't have to do anything at all.

So today, I killed time. Well, more like brutally murdered it... I played MySims Kingdom on the Wii all effing day.
Feeling very depressed. I had nightmares last night and can't seem to get over what happened in them.
You okay? What happened?
Not really. I had a nightmare where my niece disappeared and I couldn't find her. I was talking to a stuffed animal and woke up crying. What the heck is WRONG with me?!

*is sorry for being in a bad mood when I finally show up here for once*
It's okay, hon. You should've seen some of MY bad moods lately. Seriously, there's several pages of me ranting, and being upset, and people comforting me. And when I'm really upset, I seem to.... admit to loads of things that make me more upset. *is just a trainwreck*

*hugs* I'm sorry. We all have our moments.
^.^ I think ranting releases stress. Being so...I should definitely rant more.

*accepts hug* I'm all shaky. Just thinking about it makes me upset. She's only a few months old so in my dream I was having a major panic attack.


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