Yeah, I was doing French homework before, and.... sometimes, I can't even compose a sentence, other times, I'm nearly fluent. It's just never at the right times. >.<'
Heh, I got into an argument in Spanish with someone the other day. I don't even really speak Spanish.
XD I've been taking French since Kindergarten. I'm a freshman, but I'm in junior-level now, because of all that.
XD I've done that. But no, this was IRL, and it was full-on Spanish. I could follow it for awhile, speaking a mixture of Spanish-English-French, and after awhile I got lost, got annoyed, and started listing off the names of streets, public schools, and local restaurants. (Oh, the joys of living in CA. Yes, all of those names are in Spanish.)
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 8, 2009 at 12:31pm
It's raining... still. It was sprinkling at lunch... Yes, Kalene and I danced in it, and Jess convinced us to sing the Pina Colada song. XD But, yeah, it's still raining.