Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That's exactly how I felt about TTS, but The Spot is more friendly....

*waves also* Even if I did come along by accident...
Accounts don't get deleted like that on TTS, do they?

XD Everyone now, do the wave!
*throws hands up*
XD No, but I imagine it's hard to get banned on The Spot...
Though it is pretty cool to be banned when your name is "ModeratorKaty," it just looks odd. *screencapped it*

XD *participates*
Only one person has ever been banned from the Spot. *cringes*

One of my first alters ever was ModeratorGhey >.> Banned instantaneously XD
Oh, I wanna see that pic, I haven't seen it in ages.

I have so many screencaps, I just feel the need to save them all...


I didn't really start screencapping until after my ban, which there hasn't been much to screencap, and I really wish I'd started earlier.
No, I don't think so, none of my old friends that vanished long ago have been deleted.

*continues wave*
Oh, no worries. I completely understand about the differences in fandoms, and wanting to hang out where your friends are. But its nice to have other sites to go play lurk on from time to time when things lull in your usual places.

You're all welcome there as long as you like ^-^
Updated "Antis" on SiteSoc101
What happened to Megan?

Did she just die, or something? o.o
*answers again*

No, I didn't die. XD
Really. I swear.


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