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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...I fucking hate my therapist right now.
*offers tea*

This is the second time I've seen her.

The previous time she made me depressed as hell. Depression is what I'm trying to cure.

Today she made me feel even worse.


I know it's not really her fault, but I want to blame someone.

Does she help, at all? Or would staying away be better, given the last two times?
Presumably, it's kill or cure.

I'm just going to keep going. I figure eventually I'll get lucky and come out of the experience happy.

The sad thing is, I can't just fix it by popping down a few Prozacs. The depression is based on a newfound philosophy.
Oh dear. Not another one of those. >.>

Care to explain? Or would it make it worse?
I'm not entirely sure how, and doing so would reveal a lot about me personally, but here's the gist of it:

My life is essentially going to get worse and worse as time goes on, almost a negative sloping graph. The highlite of my life was when I was a child, and every year it will get worse and worse.

I could be dead wrong, but that seems to be the most likely outcome.
I think I may have had the same thought vaguely...

It won't be that way if you do everything you feel like when you feel like it, though. Carpe Diem! Within reason, of course. Just make sure you make time for having fun once in a while, and if you can still think like a child, you'll still have that freedom. If I keep going on it'll sound really cheesy, but I'll keep going if you want me to...

This kind of thinking is what's kept me out of that hole. Otherwise I'd be depressed as hell, too.
It's not really that simple.

Thanks, though. I'll keep that in mind. :D
You're welcome! :D

Elaborate for more help? Only if you want, of course.
Has anyone ever not hated their therapist? Or, at least disliked them?

But why do you feel particularly homicidal toward your therapist today? o.O

EDIT- Nevermind, I see the previous post.


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