Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Two essays, one night. I just got home from work, so all I've got is a paragraph and an intro from earlier, and it's already 11pm...
I hate waking up at 5:15. _o_
There are so many references I wish other people would get.

Like Killer Rabbits which applied today when some guys in my class were taking bets on how they could totally not get killed by a rabbit.

Or how to fly when a girl in my class said she wanted to learn how to fly. If I had said it out loud on how to fly I would've gotten, "O.o Lulwut?" looks.

And towels. Oh god the towels. >.>
When exactly were you talking to God?
I've been reading too much feminist literature:

I was created by Myself.
So you are female?
Interesting deduction. My gender is Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show?.
Yes, actually.
I deleted my reply because I later discovered that it's far too easy to beat the computer. Apparently the questions I ask are too complex.
God won't answer me. Geez.

Have you seen some of my chats with Cleverbot?
XDDD A chat with Cleverbot:

User: Hai.

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: My name is HANNAH. Fear my palindromial powers!

Cleverbot: Oh, are you one of the bad guys?

User: No, I use my palindrome powers to fight unsymetrical-ness.

Cleverbot: How do you work?

User: Watch. Cleverbot. *palindrome powers* Clevevelc. <--- Like your new name?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: You'll get used to your new palindromossity.

Cleverbot: I hope not.
Him and me have the funniest conversations XD
Failing at poetry homework. Curse me for wanting to take a harder English program.

Jessie! Answer your phone! I need your pwnsome language arts skills!
Going to my little brother's soccer game. Will probably be drawing while there. >.> I missed the game yesterday, but apparently they won 15-1 or something and he scored the first goal and a few after that. :D I'm glad somebody in this family doesn't entirely suck at any kind of physical activity, like me.
...I'm half tempted to watch the rest of that anime I mentioned yesterday. The thought of sitting through twenty six episodes of it horrifies, me, but I kind of want to watch it. o_0

Simply out of a morbid and slightly masochistic curiousity.

I the hell could it get any worse? o_0

You have to admit that you're as curious as I am.


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