Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I think so... 'cept maybe Jake. XD

I've seen pictures of you, you look gorgeous!

XDD I love it. The wedding was wonderful, and I loved the fact the ring was inscribed with 'Don't Die'.
Thanks. XD I couldn't think of anything else that would be as perfect.
Drawing eyes.

I have this really awesome one and then several nasty ones.

I'm determined to make two gorgeous ones.
*sighs* *shouldn't be online* I gotta go. *luffs you all*
Love you too.

Goodnight, love you too.
I've now had the same one line of Ave Maria stuck in my head for over 9 hours >.<"
1. Dinner last night = successful.
2. I really need to buy costumes for Variety Show. Like, four of them... *has been slacking for the past month*
3. Two days ago, I ad to dig a 3x3x2 foot hole in our yard. I don't want to go into details.
3a. I know have bugbites from venturing outside. >.>
4. Cookies for breakfast! I baked them yesterday.
5. I luh you.
Well shit. Shit. Shit.

This is a problem.

My friend has a friend who wants to go to prom with me but he won't tell me who that guy is. So either I a.) say no b.) say yes and I might end up with someone I want to drop kick.


And of course none of my IRL friends are awake yet.
No clue. Scared maybe? Embarrassed for asking? -Would never have the guts to ask someone- Everything else though...

I'm being told in a week though.

Say no. If they want to ask you out, they can ask you out in person. Or, at the very least, tell you their name.

Besides, it's probably some practical joke.


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