Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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OMGGINGER. *gingersquee*

Can he be a car, or something to the pun of his name?
Ya know, for lulzy's sake?
-Also squees for Ginger- -Loves Gingers-

I can try drawing cars.

I was thinking Bird you know to make it ironic because birds eat fish. So it'd be all forbidden love and stuff because Miles claims to love Laura which is a lie!
Can I claim Team Fishy?
-Is totally Team Fishy-

So I'm making Fishy a Chinese Fighting Fish because their tails are gorgeous. Now I'm tempted to make Miles a pheasant but they're not that pretty so he's a blue jay now.

Win. Beyond win. You need to add Miles on FB so you can tag them in this. *nods*
*thinks that'd be win*
I'm sorry Megan.

I love you a lot.

You know that right? <3

*can't help the shipping, can't help at all*
XD I love you too.

No matter how strange all of you shipping this is.
^This, only. . . *isn't sorry*
Don't judge me!


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