Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD It's alright. Just startled me and I had to look at the calender. How have you been?
Tomorrow, but yes.

I've been really rather good recently. How's life been? Anything new? Tell me what's happened in your life since I last saw you. *can't even remember when that was*

You should get a FB.
^-^ Yay! Happy..almost..birthday!

Hmm... Well I've mangaged to not completely fail at everything. I've just been sick and what-not. It's no problem though. I'll be better soon, hopefully.

Trust me, I would if I could. My parents are really paranoid about all online things in general. My mom still freaks a bit when she sees me talking to you all on here, so a FB is really out of the question, unfortunately.
Thank you.

*offers tea*

XD My parents don't know about this site. They knew when I joined MR, though. Granted, I think they'd die if they knew how much I was online and all the forums I was on. Or of you guys. . .
>.> "Or of you guys...."

We're not that bad. I'm sure your parents would adore us. *nods*
Only if you were RLs. She doesn't approve of internetters, and is like a modern-day Mrs. Bennet. The only one of you my mom might not hate would be Pyro. xD
XDDD That's only because she wants to marry you off. Though, telling her about Pyro could be to your benefit, at least she could send you off with a guy you actually wouldn't mind being with......

Do you know how completely opposite that is of the normal parent reaction? Yes, the guy who you met on the internet and fell in love with -- that's the only one they should approve of, because that totally makes sense....
XDD Or I could just not get married.

Oh, I know. That's useful at times, but horridly annoying at others. >.<"
That's what my mom is like. She doesn't trust anyone online that I haven't met face to face. If she actually talked to you guys I think she'd change her mind.

P.S. - Sorry I disappeared. I was getting yelled at.
No worries.

'Tis understandable. I mean. . . honestly. . . .I dislike my sister having online friends. So. Much.
But... but.... I need to go to your wedding!

How so?
*rolls eyes*
Sure hope you haven't started on the wedding plans. I don't see that too likely.

Like, going to do something social, unless it's with one of my geekier friends, she's cool with. . .regardless of what is it, time, etc. So. . . I have more freedome than lots of my friends.


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