I actively avoid spending money whenever I can. My parents used to joke that I should've been born during my grandparents' generation during the Great Depression.
But seriously...I found that I have ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS at my friggin' house. And I have at least two thousand at my bank.
I don't know if that's a lot or not-I'm going to assume that it is for a Teenage, and yes, I'm aware that it's totally different for someone with a career-and I don't get an allowance. It's all literally from sixteen years worth of birthdays, The Annual Winter Merchandise-Off, and collected change.
Every personal item I own is either a gift or bought with a gift card. D:
I'm so tan. ^-^ Ok, I'm still pale as hell, but I have mega tan lines. Which basically means I was a fucking albino before.
And my four year old nephew washed his hands with Veet this morning. v.v The car ride home smelled like hell.
And my kitty clearly missed me, she keeps rubbing my legs.
And my mom bought my favorite kind of pie from my favorite place while I was gone.
And ate it all. While I was gone. DX
And now this post is just long and rambly because I'm so happy to be home that my attention sp- OMG, my legs are so smooth because I finally shaved them today. ^-^
I give up on waiting for Guitar Hero. I'm gonna paint, I think.
HEY! I just remembered something. I started that drawing/picture/thing a long time ago that was going to have all of the active members from this site in anime style in it. Do you guys want me to finish it? So far I only have, like, two people outlined on it, and that's it. I might start over, now that I have giant paper, if you guys want me to. :D