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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Let us never speak of this bizarre coincidence that is no way my revenge against you for revealing my, quote unquote, "Good," side, by mentioning my gift to charity, ever again.

Ever wonder if two pedos ever met up? XD I mean, it'd be awkward as hell.
:D Wanna see the screenshot? I still have it.

XDDD That's what they should show on the internet safety lectures.
>_> Don't make me nuke Littleton, Contra. May I remind you that it's within my capabilities?

Wait...that's where the grand 'rents live.


Crap, crap, crap!

XDDDD It'd make a good short film.

Come to think of it...I wonder if, "To Catch a Predator," has ever caught a teenager.
>:D You have nothing to threaten me with.

XD I can totally see that.

Probably. They wouldn't put it on TV, though.
...Why does anyone watch TCAP anyway?
Jesus fuck christ. No. There is no way.

Hey bitch, so I heard you're comin' down my way ... :D *creep*
That is an awesome book, it's essentially the one that got me interested in genetics in fiction, and for me it sets a huge number of standards with regards to what genetics-on-people fiction should be about (The Tommyknockers by Stephen King sets the rest). It's the only book that I've ever tarnished with personal notes in the margins, and is one of the main inspirations for much of my current writing.

And if you think it's creepy now, wait about twenty pages.
I fucking loved that book :3

...however, I got my introduction to ZOMFG GENETICS from Jurassic Park. Thanks a fuckload, Crichton.

Now that you mention it, I'll put it on my list of "to reread".
>_> I find out where she lives, and it turns out I can't blow it up. God truly does hate me.

I wanna start my own reality TV show... "To Catch Chris Hansen." In which I try to get caught by TCAP as many times as possible, and see just how much I can piss them off.

I've been watching it recently a bit-namely because I enjoy watching the pedo's suffer. >:D Keep in mind my justified hatred for pedophiles. >_>

XDDD By being pervy to teenage girls online?

Well, I suppose that's justified, but I can hardly imagine that all of the people who watch it are doing it for that reason....
...I never said it was a smart idea.

True. :\ Still, there are a lot of people out there who love justice. Pedophiles are not well loved in this world. I mean, you're right, but at least some of them are more or less innocent.
*shrugs* It seems like a slightly unusually manipulative way to earn money. Filming sexual predators being caught because people like watching that sort of thing? I dunno.
People are basically sadists. It's just how our brains are wired. We like watching others suffer, especially when we justify it.


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