Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Aw shit. 


It's going to be like -22 C when I have debate. I'm going to be in a skirt. 


So my toes are going to be frozen AND in pain. Plus my legs. Whoo. 

Pantyhose!  :D

Not warm enough! XD


I mean, there are holes. It's gonna be cold. 


But I shall have poutine and I think it'll be cool. Or I'll be less, "OMIGOD, so cold. Dying."


My grandparents and my boyfriend are going to be here in less than an hour. I have two and a half projects to do in that time. Shit.

Have you ever seen anything by Kubrick?

Dr. Strangelove

Barry Lyndon

2001 A Space Odyssey

Eyes Wide Shut

The Shining

A Clockwork Orange

Full Metal Jacket


Any of those ring a bell?

omg 2001.

-loved that movie-

Also remind me to go read A Clockwork Orange.

Odd if you don't get it, brilliant if you do.
I'm so cold.

I could put on my long socks, but they've been sitting on the vent which has been inexplicably blowing cold air all day. I could put on my coat, but it's got that fabric on the inside that is super cold at first, and I'd rather not risk it. So I burrow under blankets rather comically with my computer and hot water. We are out of any kind of flavoring to put in it (the kinds of tea I like included) so I just dip my fingers in it periodically.

Mom, I get that hot flashes must suck, but must you freeze us out just so you can walk around in a sweater?

I swear I'm going to murder my sister one day. 


So, Cody and I were walking to the door so I could give him a goodbye hug, but noooo... she has to be literally attached to him until he walks out of the door... After she gives him a hug I try to, and she's less than two feet away, staring. 



And my grandma wants me to do two painting projects in a week? I thought she knew how effing busy I am?! I'm still behind on homework from two weeks ago, and I didn't even have my computer to distract me then! Not to mention I want to have this other huge painting done before the next show's performance in a month... Jeez, I know I don't look busy when she's here, but that's because I literally can't work when there are visitors at my house. 


Oh yeah, and I no longer have my ADD meds. Fucking brilliant. Good bye, ok-ish grades in Trig.


Sorry. Needed to rant. Maybe now I can do some homework. 


Who am I kidding? I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, then turn in this project that's a quarter of my grade WAY late even though I'm probably failing the class anyway because I don't turn stuff in on time. 


Gah. Can I just hurry up and be done with school? I want to just win the lottery and run away and never have to do anything for anyone or deal with people ever again. >.<'

Been vegetarian for a year today.


...So much has happened in the last year. It's almost unbelievable.

Congratulations!  C:


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