Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have to wait a day, at the very least. x.x And then homework and all that crap.
This paper is going to kill me. I have an outline due tomorrow, and I don't have a fucking thesis yet. And that's not for lack of trying.

Thesis = complete.

Me = .-. because now I have to find quotes. Gods damn it all.

Here's something for the idiots at MDW to think about:

I'm gonna ramble about my family so I can get this train of thought out of my head.


Basically, I started thinking about how my brother and I both don't resemble any of our living grandparents, but look much like each other -- light-eyed blond kids. (I'm not sure what color hair our living grandparents had -- I think our grandmother was a blonde as well.)


However, what also got me thinking is that we're the children of dark-haired parents with dark eyes -- and our cousin is as well, but also fits the "light-eyed blonde" type. 


The only family member we share in common is my maternal grandfather. Well. One of them.


(See, the grandfather I knew was my grandmother's second husband. As far as I know she didn't have any children with him, though I'm not sure. Her children were all with her first husband, who I never knew and know very little about other than that he's probably where I and my mother got major depressive disorder from, since he and his father both seem to have showed symptoms.)


Since I don't know what that man looked like, I began to think -- what if all three of us had gotten our unusual looks from him?


My grandmother had one other child, my older uncle. I seem to remember that his kids also fit the type established by our little sample -- blondes with light eyes. Haven't seen them in years, though, so.


Anyway. That's why you don't let nerds near the family history.

At least you find it interesting. The only interesting things discussed about my family genetics history is the high likelyhood that I'll be dead before age 45 from a cardiac issue, and my younger sister's grey-blue eyes, a recessive trait that hasn't shown up since my great-grandparents.
One more day till I get Dragon Age 2, is tired of NHL 2011 for now.

Hi guys I'm on at school. :D


I can't believe they haven't blocked any NING websites yet. Yet, they've blocked tumblr... Edit: Oh wait! They haven't! ...whoa. they must not know it exists. but it sucks and I can't post anything, so.

Already finished with all assignments that are due tomorrow, but NO Minecraft today. Must paint. I need to finish the Mad Hatter this week. 

But I really want to see what happens when I mix water and lava...


I hate my gym teacher and the school corporation.


I have to take PE next year even though marching band counts as a PE credit. But since I dropped out of the swimming waiver class which, btw, isn't a class. It's basically one big test for the people who failed the first time and they don't even help you. Course, the first day I came, I got yelled at because I missed something when I didn't know I had to come because my counselor said I didn't have to go since I wouldn't pass the swim test. So, I get yelled at, thrown into a test, get yelled at more when they find out I'm failing every portion of the test, and I get pulled out because I start crying when the teacher tries to force me into the deep end of the pool. I'm afraid of deep water so fuck off gym teacher. So, when I get pulled out, my parents talk to the principal and he tells me I'll either take a 500 question test or have to take another PE course. But that doesn't make sense because I got an A on the 70% test for marching band and of course, I failed the 30% swimming portion. So, I managed a D which isn't bad but because of the stupid school, I know have to endure another hell-filled year with the gym teacher who hates my guts. Watch it bitch. I will give you hell if I have to.


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