Last day before exams was today. I hate it, love it, and am sad and will miss it, all at the same time. :| I l really liked my classes that lasted a year long this year and all the people I met. I liked my teachers more or less and I'm really sad that basically, there's going to be like no diverse array of people in my classes for the last two years of high school.
It feels so strange... Has it really been almost a year?
XD There were more people in my gym and Math class than Science and English combined. In Science there were 6 people (I didn't go though, no point), in English; 12/13 (my friend went to take pictures so she was out) that were actually supposed to be in that class and around 8 who were in other classes. In Social yesterday, there were more people who weren't in our class, in our class than there were people from my class present. Apparently in the other Social class, no one was there, except my friend. O.o Which is funny because students from that class were in my English....
I also told my teacher all the Asians there were my cousins. People in my class thought I was serious.... XD
I'm going to miss this year. And next year is going to be scary...
Goodwill, sure.
Or visit a hipstery part of town with record stores and ask there.
>.> I hope those aren't Canadians trashing THEIR OWN DAMN CITY. So much for the peace keeping country, eh?
God, that's just disgusting. You're raiding a book store.
This riot is really stupid. We didn't need it in addition to the Air Canada and Canada Post workers being assholes and going on strike.
On a slightly funnier note, Vancouver now has a glass shortage. XD
And...ABC cancelled V.
So now my selection of serials to follow has dropped to Chuck, Warehouse 13, and Red vs. Blue. Where did all the sci-fi go?
And before you recommend it, no, I am not going to watch Dr. Who. Minecraft is already eating away enough of my life without a second time-sucking black hole introduced into my daily schedule.
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