I somehow ended up on MX searching through really old posts - or, the remains of them.
Things I've noticed:
Miles used horrid chatspeak, Lamp occasionally had really, really newbish grammar/posts.
I remember how much Moriah annoyed me.
I posted WAY too much in the summer, and there are so many dead conversations because of this.
There are multiple people who hate me (not that I didn't know this, but the reminder was amusing)
Lamp for some reason wants me to be struck by lightning.
And Nathan, I just noticed that I read your posts on this site in a higher-pitched, slightly friendlier voice, than I do your MX posts. I don't know why.
Even if I WAS talking about you.... I like using peoples' u/ns. I've known Lamp and Pyro's names for months and I still use their u/ns. So, unless there's a good reason (like, on the phone with people in earshot) I'll pretty much always call you Fate. XD
Yeah, and... remember the conversation, with... uh, her name started with a C. It was in the "Opinions on Gays and Lesbians" thread, but the conversation was about religion. She kept telling me that I'm breaking the rules or something like that, and I laughed and said that God was going to strike me with lightning, you said he can't do that, she said yes he can, and then you went off saying that you wanted me struck by lightning.
I somehow got that whole conversation with only the remaining posts, considering I was every-other post there.
I was talking to Miles while I was looking through posts, and said "Hey look, somebody wants me struck by lighting," and then 30secs later "....Oh, that was Lamp." XD