I agree. It was so... *giggles* I'm trying really hard not to giggle out loud because my family is all like around me, but I'm struggling here. And it makes it so much more perfect that it's an actual conversation. I thought it sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure if it was from a movie or something...
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 24, 2009 at 5:37pm
I giggled.
And I keep giggling.
Endof and Nathan.
It seemed slightly out of character from what I can tell about Endof. Granted I've never met him IRL and most of times I've seen him talk it was in arguments/debates.
XD Uh, like two weeks after that, we were talking about different people on here and generally just being paranoid, and she said something about End and I said something like "....well we know he's head-over-heels for Nathan already."
Sorry Nathan, hon, but it's true. I get some kind of pleasure out of giggling at other friends' pairings.