Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Like tired or like bad day?

Pretty good. We got to open the presents my aunt sent, great-aunt. She got me two books. One to improve writing, the other to help get published. I was speechless. (But you know, in that good way like I usually am after a new RC chapter.)

The presents are under the tree right now, but I've yet to go look. *came here instead*
Like tired. Just randomly really, really tired. *is currently curled up in bed with pyjamas, despite it being 6.30 and not having had dinner yet*

That sounds like someone who knows you very well xD

Yay, for coming here!

Edit: My internet died. Also, you saw nothing... in the 20 minutes it took to fix it I managed to forget I wrote that.
Holidays are tiring.

*giggles* Did the singing work?

Yeah. I know.

XD 'Course.

>.< No. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken 20 minutes and I'd probably have remembered that I actually bothered to type that. And to remove it before posting.
Aw, you edited it. But it was so funny.
Me deliriously tired and begging my internet to start working does not seem funny.

Well, I found it amusing.
Fine. *is probably not the best judge*

Would it make you happy if I put it back? Or stuck it here? Or... something.
*giggles* No. You don't have to.
Good. *can't actually remember what I said... just that involved singing, and crying... and oh geez*

*cough* I am happy to remain vaguely ignorant, no need for you to remind me.

Hyper off what exactly? Caffeine or sugar?

Sugar. Mostly cookies. And a brownie. And dammit the only real food I've had today was pizza. And now I'm hungry...


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