Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm disgusted. There was an article in my school paper titled "Mammograms: And Unnecessary Risk". There were shitty facts (cancer survivors are too "biased" to see that one needs a yearly mammogram instead of one every two years. Not experienced. Biased). And apparently the one percent chance of having an unnecessary biopsy and "sleepless nights" are enough to make it such a risk. The article fails to point out that every extra year with cancer severely lowers your chance at survival. God, this person has backed up their story so poorly it makes me ill.
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm leaving all my internets.

Except here, and anything related to here.

No worries. I just... I'm close with y'all, I could never leave here. But I don't want to get too close to people elsewhere -- it hasn't happened yet, and being on other sites just sucks up all my time.

So this won't affect any of you, or how much I see any of you, at all. You won't even notice, I'll still be here, on The Spot, on TTS... all that.

Just... for the time being, anyway, I don't need to be on other forums. This way, only you guys, funny sites, RLs, and blogs can distract me, and I can spend all my time online while doing other things.
So this is just so you can actually do your homework and stuff and not fail right?

Because this seems to be a common problem here, that and procrastination.
Well, that too. And other things, but yeah.

What else are you trying to manage, if I may ask?
Hm? *isn't sure what you mean*

Like, RL things?

I'm just curious as to what's killed your load to. . . . just leave sites and whatnot.
I... I don't know. I just... I miss having time. I have school to worry about on top of that, because no, school isn't hard. Everyone's right, it's not that hard. As long as you know what the hell is going on, which I don't 99% of the time.

And on top of that... I have free time. I have loads of free time. But at the same time, I haven't just been able to relax online in a long time. I don't know, I just want to be able to do nothing. I want to have time to read and look up random articles and write and surf different sites without having to keep up with a bunch of forums. I miss that.

And, on top of that, I realize you weren't here last night but my volunteer info ended up going through after all. That, actually doing school stuff once in awhile, GSA.... I'm getting closer to maybe having a tiny bit of a life.

Does that answer your question at all?
Yeah, it did.


I'm so looking forward to Valentines Day. I want time to sleep, read, and think again. As much as I adore basketball. . . . . I'm ready for it to be over, this season.

I've recently done the same thing. Or rather not left, but just . . . I don't keep up with them, just kinda log on once every week or two, to say hi, yell at a n00b or two, and make sure people didn't die.

That's awesome!

You wanna life, now? Good luck, with everything.
Valentines Day?

*nods* I'll probably end up doing that, for ones I was more active on. But people will just be like "Oh, where did she go? Ah well." It won't be a big deal. The politics aren't like they are here or on MX.

*nods* *was very happy* I have orientation next Saturday. :D

No, I don't want a life. I'm just saying that it could possibly happen...
Usually it marks the day that we're all done. When things finally calm down and we get used to not being after school 3-8hrs 6 days a week. (And that's the days all the certificates get signed and whatnot.) Valentines day, usually comes as either a blessing, or at least a mark of 'Here's a two month break before summer ball' have a nice break.'

XD Yay! Have fun.

Ah. xD Life's suck. I want rid of mine.
Don't leave me! Or at least, do please, at least, come let us know that you're alive every few days. (Otherwise, I'll have to text you or something, or more stalk you IRL, and that makes my job harder. >.<')
Ahh, that makes sense.

XD *will, hopefully*

>.> Seriously, I'll still be here pretty much everyday. Worst case scenario, you'll be like "Hm, I wonder why Megan wasn't here for six hours in a row today." I'll still be online plenty, even if I'm slightly distracted while I'm here.

Edit - Also, you can text me whenever you want to. I don't see why that's so difficult.


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