Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I think of a sound recorder they all sound ridiculous.

I know mine does. >.>
I have an annoying nasal voice, but I speak very smoothly, with very little accent.

Except I say "tourist" like "terrorist".
...Both of those sound the same in my head...
Oooooh. "Dow-awk-tah"?

I say "dock-ters."
My voice: It has silliness up to the brim. xD
*likes* You have a very pretty voice.
Really? o.O


EDIT- Buahahahaha. When I first typed that face, I somehow typed "x.O". <-- Is that the emoticon for getting a punch in the face?
Finished reading Fate's story. <3 Hee hee, evil Tally... XD
Right now I feel very unlike myself...

I'm excited for Monday.

To get back a test.
XD Nice.
O.o >.> eh I've been excited to do math tests before.


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