Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I want to go to the Tattered Cover. Like, right now.

But I want to go to the LoDo one, because I've been to the one around here too much, and they never have the book I want. The book that I just read. >.>
I have to go for the night now. Love you all lots. *waves* G'night.
Love you too.

*late* Goodnight, I love you too.

I hate my parents right now.

I can't even begin to describe my current feelings of hatred, loathing, revulsion that I get when I think of them.

I, honest to God hate them more than I've hated anything in my entire life right now.

And I have no fucking clue as to why. All I know is that I want to be alone-very badly.

So, for now, I'm just going to lock my door and pretend they don't exist. La la la la la...

I hate to bitch about these things, but I feel like I have to say something, you know?

Are you okay?

*offers tea*
I have no fucking clue.

I'm just...well, extremely anti-social right now. Normally I'm antisocial as hell, but right now I think I'd kill myself as soon as have a five minute discussion with anybody-especially the rents.

And I'm not exaggerating a bit. Nor do I have any suicidal wishes.
Did something happen? Or is it just... one of those times?

Nothing to my knowledge.


Christ, I even feel repulsed by being here, let alone near the squees. What the hell, subconcious?
I have no idea what to say, but just...feel better, okay? :\
Anyways, I think I'll leave now. See you all tomorrow, with any luck.


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