So, I want a laptop. And I'm never going to get one if I don't persuade my parents. But I have no idea what kind of laptop I'd like for the least amount of money.
Microsoft based computers are usually cheaper... I'm on a Dell Inspiron 1500 series at the moment, but it's still a bit pricy (though at least $400 cheaper than a Macbook Pro).
Depends, what do you want it for? If it's just for web surfing, I know that they sell minis for less than $400
That's why I own a Dell. I used to have an HP desktop computer, but it's a bit of a clunker now (it still runs Windows 98). HP's printers are OK though.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on April 24, 2010 at 11:36am
-Uses Acer- It was cheap and so far it has not failed me.
I don't hear the greatest thing about Dells. It could just be that my friends abuse them or something but they always seem to have a lot of problems. I've never had one though. HP Printers are pretty nice. We got one free with a laptop we bought and abused it to death, well until there was no more ink.