Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'd rather an A, personally....
Then do your work!
I do!

Screw chem hw, that doesn't make sense.
Oh good. Make sure to butcher it into itty bitty pieces.
*is sorreh*

My computer just isn't letting me open it. v.v

*keeps trying*
I can upload it on a different file.

You have Wordpad?
Checking my grades.

Hey, look. I have a C in math.

I hate that class. ._.
Least favorite subject + awful teacher + first thing in the morning = unhappy Contra and a bad grade.

You can check your grades?
I know. It's so odd...

*can't either*
95% of my school can check their grades online. It doesn't work for 5% of the people, because the system sucks.

I am in that 5%. x.x
I can, I just don't do so often.

It eliminated getting progress reports sent home with us, thank God.


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