Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*thought I kinda-ish recognized her* *then thought I was mixing her up with 'Miss Avian American' of like. . .before we were banned* *isn't sure if these are the same people. . . *
Yup thats me..! Sorry I didn't get back to you right away...

And there is another Miss Avain American?
*Did not know this*
I am...

-Finished with STAR testing. (:D)
-Home without parents here. (:D)
-Homework-less, completely. (:D)
-Okay, so the one above is a lie, but I'm not doing it. (D:)
-Thinking that these emoticons in parentheses look funny.
Fishy. . . .do eet.
XD They do.
Well... It's technically not due till Friday.
*is doing hw not due to Thurs. now* *feels like such a good student* :D
Also: Do eat.
Which is what I thought Lampy has typed in the first place.
Dude, somebody said that to me today. Probably because we were talking about what we'd had for lunch/breakfast and dinner the night before, and I hadn't eaten any of those.
Teen hormone swings. If you're not partially insane by the time you reach age 18, then you've been in a coma the past few years.
They staged a random contest. So, they'll give their best effort at being random. In a thread made for randomness.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's not random if it's planned.
Bad side: That's a sucky mess to clean up.
Good side: At least they're keeping it in one thread, and not being like, "try to be the most random /in any of the threads/ and we'll pretend to keep track."

But yeah. Noobs will be noobs.
Listening to Jim Gaffigan. :D

I've memorized too much of this. He needs new material. D:


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