Can you beg a credit card out of your dad? ( ; He doesn't need to spend money-I just need the number. And you can go to the site, which I assure you is legitimate (60000 people use it and it's recommended by ScriptFrenzy, so it's safe), instead of giving it to me...
Thanks for trying to help...right now I'm just trying to write the last few pages and then I'll figure out what to do.
Well I can;t give my Dad's number...he owns ALOT of construction tools and I'll have to plan a funeral for my phone...
But like I said...If I can help in a way that doesn't involve credit cards...I'll do it. My mom keeps saying my dad's spending money he doesn't have...which makes no sense...becasue everything is fine...but I'm really sorry. D:
Hope I can help another way.