Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Fuck, double fuck, and triple fuck.

My dog has cancer.

I wasn't even aware that dogs could get cancer.
"Do penises absorb moisture to the point they get heavier?"

The person who posted this happens to own one. stupid can you be.

Trying to find a way to get myself removed from the custody of my parents, because they obviously have no idea as to what it is they’re doing. And it's taking far too long. Where’d all those places you threatened to call when I was misbehaving as a child go, Mom?
Start keeping records of things. They could help you present a better case for emancipation or something.

Are they not going to allow you to go anywhere else, now?
They say that there's nowhere that will take a thirteen year old girl just because she doesn't like her parents. Ha. 'Doesn't like' is the biggest understatement....
Really it's because the avarage foster care program costs too much, and I'm obviously not worth it. >./body>
*offers tea*

Seriously, start recording things down. Try talking to people in you community about it. See if you can just get out of the house more and whatnot.
*takes tea* Thank you!

I will. I'm considering running away. I might, actually. The idea becomes more appealing every time I think about it....

Look up emancipation laws for your state first. See if others can take you in. Try not to do anything too drastic or anything without a plan.
Apparently, there is no flat out emancipation law in Massachusetts, but a court and judge and stuff can make it so if in the best intrest of the child. I think. The articles are all written like I read about the law every day.
XD Want me to see what I can find, too?

*offers more tea*
If you want to. *sighs* I just wish my parents would hurry up already.


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