I agree, that does suck. The whole, doing something, and then not being able to see, or getting tunnel vision/really blurred vision, happens to me loads. . . .but generally, it's not a good thing
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 16, 2009 at 6:20am
It's better than my house. No screaming kids, annoying siblings, nosy adults, dogs who smell bad, etc.
Just old ladies who sometimes give you funny looks.
I just hate how it opens at 10 AM. And how the on by me doesn't open on Mondays. I don't really feel like taking a bus for 30 Mins to get to the other, bigger one.
I used to live right by this library that was open 5am-10pm. It was amazing. And it was perfect, too, because at that time I didn't..... couldn't really get anyone to drive me to buy/borrow books, and we had no internet at home (or cable, or occasionally electricity...) So, I pretty much lived there, and most of the librarians thought I was a freak, this one younger one was really awesome, though.
Yep. It's kind of funny, since I'm so internet-dependent now... (But, even with the lack of internet, I did spend plenty of time rigging the old desktop to work again. So we could, like, play solitaire. And use MS word.... and.... that's it....)