Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What're they gunna do?
No way they can actually mod that. >.>
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you...

This is a dipshit decision, yo. I hope you fuckheads which is to say the lurker mods still lurk here, because I can tell you: you are getting stupider and stupider by the moment, and I cannot wait until the full magnificence of your fuckwittery dawns upon you.

I only wish I could see the looks on your faces.

Can't believe you fuckers get paid to do this. Cushy job, or what? Wish I got paid to run a franchise, a fandom, a community into the ground.

On second thought, yeah, no, I don't.
They should pay you, Nathan. You're a huge part of the fandom, you helped start it. The mods ruined it, and Hachette is paying them for it. Yes, waste money on the people who screw your company over, and ban the people who make it great. That makes a whole hell of a lot of sense.
I've been on a nostalgia kick lately, and... it used to be people would leave because RL took over, or because the fandom was no longer their thing. No big.

Yeah, now it's "fuck the dipshitty mods" or an actual ban that makes people leave.

Goddammit. I'm not sure why I stick with this fandom -- I'm not even sure why I joined it in the first place.

I just know for damn sure that I wanted to be part of a community. I didn't ask to be a figurehead for anything, but if that's what I have to be, fine.

I want my fandom back.
'Fandom is a job, it just doesn't pay'

I agree, they should. . . or, 'ya know, not ban her without reason. (Little steps)
Nathan - No, you didn't ask to be a figurehead, but you've got the intelligence, charisma and off-the-wall opinions and ideas, so you just sort of became one. The fandom wouldn't be where it is today.... correction, the fandom wouldn't have been where it was in better times..... without you. Where it is now.... we can blame the mods for that.

Lamp - Heh, yeah, no kidding, but when you get on a power trip over a community you know nothing about, you gotta take out your competition.
Apparently. >.>
As I see it, MX skewed the composition of the fandom. Before MX, I hung out mainly with about eight people, and while I wrote basically the same stuff I do now, that was basically the extent of my participation.

Then MX happened and suddenly there were way more than eight people who shared some of my oddball views. I played with crack pairings and other people started shipping them instead of shooting them down.

OK, that's an exaggeration, but... more or less...

So it's just weird to think of myself as having influence over people ._.;;
I'm wondering why Nighthawk was banned.


This is ridiculous.
From what I gathered by lurking Nighthawk was planning on leaving anyway... but then she started a new Nathan's Army group *wince*
She did say she didn't care if she was banned, and she wanted to rebel/start a riot.... But still.


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