Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Congrats! :D


-Knows what you mean-


Life is such a peculiar thing.  

Writing and watching a Let's Play of Bioshock 2.

Mark Meltzer is the only character worth following. The others are all pretty dull in comparison to the BS1 cast.


Speaking of which, have you had time to read through the SitS ARG? It's really fascinating.

It's nice for background noise, and Meltzer's diaries have probably been my favorite part so far.


Alas, not yet. Perhaps over break.

I think I have hayfever. Hayfever sucks.

Defrosting a juice box. 


Why are you frozen juice box? You were in the house. But you were under my desk. And then you froze. I don't want you to be frozen because I want to drink you. Why do you torment me like this?


My butt is cold from defrosting the juice box. 

Having a late-night study session with myself. Need to remember to bring almonds to eat tomorrow to cue my memory.

Talking to my bestie. :D


I think I'll call her on a dirty payphone tomorrow. I'll be disgusted but eh... 


My entire house is sick and I don't want to be sick. 



Or "alot".


It's even funnier when they call you mean names for pointing it out with a link to Hyperbole and a Half.

Finally finished that project that was due today. Whoop-dee-doo.

Now there's that mountain and a half of homework that's due tomorrow.

AAAAAAHHHHHHH..... *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk*


The good news is that there's so much chocolate in my room right now that it's not even funny. Not to mention the Hershey's pillow and chocolate-scented teddy bear. That plus listening to random Japanese screamo is putting me in a rather awesome mood. :D

They'll need it.  The Lybian dictatorship is authorizing the use of military aircraft on protesters; this isn't going to end well.
I'm okay. Definitely alive. A lot of people aren't.


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