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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I take that as a personal challenge. Shit's going on my list of fic to write.
Blaine and Rachel's voices go so well together... :D
I know, but they sound so awesome! D:
They're so much better sounding together than him and Kurt.
You're just a Klaine hater, aren't you? >.>

Oh yeah big time.

Kurt needs to like not date anyone, because in so far it's all crap.

Plus he's a whiny little bitch that makes Finn obsessed Rachel circa season 1 look sane.

Here's for killing off RIB and putting in some writers who don't make everyone constantly be crap.

And considering who's returning to Glee in the next episode, it's going to stay crap for at least a while longer.


But tbh Kurt and Blaine's duet they did was a terrible rendition of it.But then it's hardly fair to compare it to Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin's versions. Though it doesn't stop the idiots on fanpop, which shows by their voting decisions that the majority of Glee fans are musically challenged. 


If only it could go back to the first few episodes where they weren't all 95-100% autotuned.

BitchKurt is awesome. >.> I ship Kurt/happiness. Because he doesn't fucking get any. I think Klaine could work. And I love Darren, so there's that... Even still, I'd ship Kurt with anyone who looked promising except Karofsky.


You mean Gwyneth Paltrow? Of course it's going to be crap. But there's also a Burt scene, so...

Kurt's gone downhill, especially in his attitude towards Burt, I'd kick his ass for having a father like that and acting the way he does at times. And despite my hatred of Klaine, I actually don't mind Blaine when he isn't constantly hounded by Kurt. Though he is still overrated because of Potter fans.


And of course because of Gwnneth, she had a couple funny lines, but was a boring character in a boring filler episode overall.

I like the way Kurt's matured. *shrug*

I think Darren is sort of hilarious to watch alone, but I prefer his interaction with Kurt. Save for the most recent ep, because that seemed weirdly ooc.


I dunno why, but I can't fucking stand her. Also, her presence is going to shift the focus of more of the scenes on Will, who I can't stand, either.


imho, they need to show more Sue, Beiste, Kurt, Sam, and Brittana scenes. Less Will and Rachel.

Apparently she's supposed to be a love interest for Will, and right now I hoping his crazy ex pops out of the plot black hole she disappears into and runs Holly Holliday down.


They need to show Sam yes, but Sam on his own, because he's funnier when he acts all dorky.

I think she's coming back... maybe not, but I thought I heard something about that...


Of course. Or Sam and Kurt interaction. Because we were deprived of that...

I also want more Luck.


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