Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have a strong aversion to writing poetry, even for a class that I like.


Thanks, CW.

Governor of Colorado cut education 50 million dollars.  'Cause y'know, that's not important.



I was literally out in front of the capitol building yesterday listening to a teacher talk about how important education and unions are. And then one of the other people who made a speech called for him to show support for the WI protesters.




Also, if they're cutting anything, it ought to be CSAP. What a colossal waste of time and money that is.

For the love of fuck, what's left to cut?


Also yeah fuck CSAP. 

Also, according to one article, he's stated that he's going to continue to support the tourism industry, and is unwilling to cut there.


Yes, because tourism is much more important to the state than its children being educated properly.


What the actual fuck.

You have tourism?

Mountains :\ People love to ski here apparently.

^That. *native resident who's never been skiing or snowboarding*


Jason Mraz was skiing here yesterday.

Wondering why a mod hasn't stepped in yet. Maybe it's because it's not an all-caps "WTF NO YOU ARE WRONG." 'debate' yet. Well, it's not particularly serious, but it IS religion, so...

Ohay. You should inform that Johnny Ramone kid on TTS that communism isn't the same as socialism, and that by calling out someone else for being ignorant to the fact that it is, and is thus as intelligent as your average twelve year old, he is being ironic to the point of hilarity. Then thank him kindly for brightening your day.


I would, but Genn is on and I want to keep my lurker account.


Also, damn, I wish I could bitch slap people over the internet.


Edit: Also, kindly inform him that supporting communism does not mean supporting a dictatorial leadership, that Libya is not communist, and that Kim Jong Il is a fucking psycho.


Aaand that no one sin is worse than another, according to Jesus, and that homosexuality isn't considered a sin because of greed.

I would've, but I like just now saw this post so.

Lol Rape babies. sorry its just a funny concept ive never thought about


holy fuck. what the hell. 


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